The primary mission of the Motor Unit is to save lives and enhance public safety through traffic enforcement. The Motor Unit is under the management of the Patrol Division Lieutenant. The Motor Unit consists of two sergeants and three deputies. Deputies assigned to this division strive to accomplish the unit’s mission by focusing on daily goals and objectives.
Daily Goals and Objectives
Reduce the number of traffic fatalities and accidents caused by speeding violations, child safety seat violations, and red light violations.
Focus on school zone enforcement during months when schools are in session.
Conduct proactive speed enforcement at selected locations.
Monitor intersections where accidents frequently occur.
Address citizen complaints, issues, and concerns with regards to traffic laws and violations.
Be highly visible to the public with regard to traffic enforcement.
There are those who minimize the importance of traffic enforcement; however, traffic is an issue which affects each citizen in our community regardless of who they are, where they come from or their age.